Re-evaluation Forms of 3rd Semester Now Available Re-evaluation Forms of 3rd Semester Now Available Re – Evaluation forms for BG 3rd semester Regular Batch 2020 and Backlog Batches 2016 to 19. Now Available Check Below Instructions for Applying Reevaluation/ Xerox Copy of Answer Scripts 1. Re-evaluation of answer scripts shall be permissible in each course of a semester-end examination of UG/ PG/Professional courses, for which a candidate shall have to apply online with the prescribed fee. 2. Re-evaluation shall not be permitted in the Objective Type response Sheets , Practical Examination, Project Report, Dissertation and Viva-Voice etc. 3. Final result after re-evaluation will be based on average marks of 1st & 2nd Examiners. As such, the marks may increase or decrease after the re-evaluation. Average of best two will be counted if answer script goes to 3rd evaluator. 4. Time duration within which a candidate can apply for Photostat copy of Answer Scr...
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